The protracted relations are built on three whale: closeness, passion and responsibility. If one of three points does not have to the modern pairs, it is very difficult. Certainly, powerful emotional gust and desire at the beginning, simply envelops and over the top, but in course of time, as a rule, it 6-9 months and then appetence to the partner begins to become dull and weaken. And what is it related to? Simply we get used to each other that before seemed something unusual or unexplored, today commonness and part of routine. And how not to lose this thin verge? To be desirable for the second halves, and main to get sincere pleasure and pleasure from a process?! About it, we will talk.
Practice open communication
Frequently, many can not tell about the secret desires in intimate life or hide the hidden problems herein. Absence of correct communication, but not reproaches draws the unexpected reaction of partner. Mostly complexes or uncertainty hide here. Do not be afraid to tell to the favorite man that disturbs you. In fact transparent communication facilitates a fate both, and pushes slightly to the closeness. Try to expose feelings, fears or aspiring to the partner, here attentively listen answers and try to be heard.
A physical contact
Does remember, how it was desirable simply to hug in the beginning, smell, touch? To wake up a spark again, begin with ordinary flirtation and corporal closeness to the sexual action. Passionate kiss during meeting, gentle hint on continuations of evening, admiration from the prepared supper, gratitude for the done labors, simple cuddles not with reason. You do not present how the haptic feeling and sense of desire strongly influence on a man from the side of another partner.
Time in private
Very important aspect among all pairs. Work, the way of life different troubles take pastime and communication to the standard themes and honestly they bother in course of time. In the total, it is desirable quicker to fall asleep, and forces night of euphoria it simply is not. And it is normal! The resource of man is not boundless. A restart and rest are needed. And the best of all to conduct long-awaited weekend together, leaving all troubles and problems behind.
But, it is, what such efforts do not give a result, as though and try and try, and inwardly personally in itself nothing wakes up and does not excite. And even does not an unexpected gift or bath impress with the petals of roses?
Experiments and new verges strangely
Enough, but majority can’t confess itself in that they do not know an own body, did not feel a many-sided finale and can`t open these verges for the favorite man. But is it very desirable, but as? Begin first with simple and at the same time of effective methods, namely. Change a usual situation in a bedroom, where all takes place on rolled. It is possible to reserve a number in a hotel, to arrange role plays, and for despairs of pairs to try intimacy in unusual and not especially hidden places. Bring in a novelty in ordinary motion of prelude, try something new, unusual, maybe, it is needed to include a film with a “strawberry” or purchase accessories for strengthening of intimate pleasures.
Test them on the partner and similarly on itself, a constraint away here, watch after a reaction, excitation, desire. Feeling of pleasure, the favorite of man will create a mutual passion for what has been going on for so long. And the second half will be able to see your secret necessities and will open for itself new erogenous zones on your body Sex is reckless interesting and passionate game, in that to play, not turn except for some nuances, but will agree, we are widowed where much more interesting out.
An erotic massage
Is a new enough, but very effective method to renew passion between partners. Here many hidden sexual fantasies can become reality, here does not take place treason or feeling of treachery, especially ate such massage comes true pair. The presence of the third persons (masseurs) already will set fire inwardly unbelievable excitation. It allows to the pair to be drawn together, get to know new and something secret, in fact such mystery will remain only between them, and then in a home monastery these remembrances yet long will cause furors in a bed.
Individual visit also very useful, it will help to get you rid from blocks, dipped in the world of sexual pleasure, forget about complexes and know itself on the other hand. Believe, after a session your partner you do not simply know!
Naturally intimate closeness- it not 100 % mortgage of long and happy relations. Here interlace great number of factors, but will agree, good and intimate life is quality, possible only between people, that love, trust, value, respect and try to do all possible for pleasure of the passion. A sincere smile and satisfaction from a morning, high libido, enthusiasm and desire to conquer new tops give not questionable garden-stuffs. Sex is energy, confidence, passion and desire that it is impossible to touch, and maybe only to feel!
Material for the article was partly taken on a web-site – source, knows that about passion all and even anymore/